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My Films/Stories

Here is where you will find the short videos I've made for my Video Production classes as well as some of the stories I have written during my school career

The streets of Staten Island are no place to be at night. David Russo learned that the hard way when the notorious Arlington Crew beat and robbed him. When police won't do much good, it falls on David's father Robert to get justice for his son.

Having had her heart broken for the last time, Jessica Walker becomes a felon to get revenge on her ex once and for all.

When Gary Walker's parents go out of town for a long weekend, he organizes a huge party that quickly gets out of hand. In times like these one has to wonder if being popular and getting the girl of your dreams is really worth having your house destroyed?

By using 1986 coming of age movie 'Stand By Me,' and combining it with an instrumental of 'Lean on Me,' I think I've created an interesting and wonderful music video. 

My father, Charles Henry Bourne, was in the World Trade Center on 9/11 and he lived to tell the tale. Here's what he, as well as his friends and family, have to say about what happened the day off, and how they felt in the aftermath of it all. 

For Dr. Thomas Bosket's Intro to Computer Art Class during SUNY Oneonta's Fall 2019 semester, I made a short video detailing the lives of a hardworking scholar and a fun-loving slacker, all culminating to a rather interesting moral.

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